Our factory have passed IATF16949 certificate and strictly according to this quality system for quality control. To ensure stable high quality, we always do incoming inspection, in-process inspection and final inspection.
Incoming Quality Control (IQC) plays a crucial role in industrial automation. It is the first level of quality control for raw materials, components, or products before production, ensuring that non-conforming products do not enter the process and avoid affecting the final product
Process inspection is a core part of enterprise quality management, which involves inspecting the product characteristics generated in various production and manufacturing processes during the product formation process to ensure that the product quality meets predetermined standards.
The final inspection (manual inspection) plays a crucial role in industrial automation and enterprise quality management strategies. It has the following characteristics:
1. The last line of defense for quality assurance
2. Flexibility and meticulousness of manual inspection
3. The combination of technology and manual labor
4. Adaptability
5. Continuous improvement and feedback
6. Customer trust and market competitiveness
Blue light scanner is a high-precision 3D scanning device that projects a blue light grating on the surface of an object and captures the distorted grating image using a high-precision camera to achieve scanning measurement of the 3D contour of the object surface.
Blue light scanners play an increasingly important role in modern industry and scientific research due to their high precision and adaptability to multiple environments